Tuesday, October 27, 2020

I would handle all such events

Interview with Johnny Depp, an artist most famous for his acting career. In today's Daily Mass Johnny talks about his future adventures and his present life.

You are very famous as an actor.


...But you do also other things in life. What are they?

Oh, I am a general professional artist, that's what my account on Deviant Art says. (laughs) However... not many people visit me, because I'm hacked.

You are a musician, right?

Yes. Hmm, I, I may be also not known here, but I have composed many songs in the last ten years, and... I'm... (pauses) I'm waiting for the hacking to be cancelled so that people could hear my songs finally.

And as far as I know, you are a real pirate of the Caribbean. What is your pirate name?

(smiles) I... I... I am very famous as a pirate, that's true. But my name is a secret. Because I intend to trade with weapons. On sea. And people will know it, know my name, in their own time.

Your career as a pirate has not started yet, but it's already known thanks to information obtained by time travel technology that you will be a prominent pirate and will have many adventures. Are you looking forward to it?

Yes, very much. Hmm... (pauses) I long for these adventures. I know there will be freedom in my life, finally. (smiles) And my pirate endeavours will be possible thanks to that freedom.

And I know you didn't in fact act in the movie called Pirates of the Caribbean.

I did not, no. No. My lookalike did. I think it is very clearly visible. Hmm, hmm, he is much uglier than me. And a horrible actor. And of course I wasn't paid for what he did in this movie. And I must tell you, this movie is a documentary, the original version is a documentary. And hmm, um, it was remade into this horrible version which is very spoiling my reputation. (laughs)

Many known films are documentaries from our future, however they are all remakes, all have been changed. For example Lord of the Rings. You are a part of this documentary and its original version came to us from the future. Do you know much of the events that will be documented in the real Lord of the Rings?

Yes. It is my future, I look forward to it very much. I know I will have to take part in many battles, because we will be, all people, all the world, will be attacked by new types of criminals, and they will be an organised army. However nobody will look the way they're shown in Lord of the Rings, because everybody lost their real appearance in the official remake of this documentary. 

Do you think you would handle such situations as the ones shown in Lord of the Rings, or do you feel you'd need to still develop, say get better at something, before such adventures start taking place?

Ah. (smiles) Hmm, yes, I think I am already good enough. I have acquired much experience with weapons in the last five years, because the world, the current world, has become very dangerous recently. So I know I would handle all such events.

You did act in the Dead Man. What memories do you have from that?

Ah, that movie. (sighs) It was quite thrilling to play the role. But... (pauses) I was not very well treated by the film director. I don't have good memories.

What do you think of films that have been made in the last decade?

They are all terrible, they are all plagiarisms, we can call that remakes also, they are all remade in a horribly tacky style. They are a shame in fact, very primitive they are, and infantile. Films are no longer an entertainment for adults. All contemporary movies are in fact good only for very stupid kids.

Do you want to be a film director?

Yes. Yes. But it's another secret. I can't tell you much about it. But I want to take a part, that I can tell you, in repairing the movie industry, in bringing the art back into films.

You are... You are well known for a somewhat extravagant manner of dress. Do you choose your clothes yourself?

Yes and no. I am paid by my managers to dress extravagantly in everyday life, and I like it. However it is very difficult nowadays to get something original in stores, so it often causes me stress.

Do you have plans for the future connected with fashion?

Yes, I plan to be a model, finally. And I don't want to design clothes myself, but I want to promote them, so I'm hoping I will work with many different fashion designers. So my main plans pertain to modelling.

Do you have your own family, wife, children?

No, and I never have. It is my lookalike who had children, and it is all, it is all fairytales, complete fiction, all those stories about my family life in the media. I am and have been quite a lonely man.

But there must be someone in your life. You have a Prince or Princess Charming, right?

Yes, yes, we can't be together nowadays, she is a love of my life, and I still wait for the chance to be with her.

All right, thanks for the interview very much.

Thank you.

27 October 2020

Interview no. 12